One of the biggest hurdles for marginalized small-scale farmers in central Iowa is finding accessible, affordable land.
As they attempt to scale up to a farm size where they can earn a living wage, access to ground to rent or purchase in 5-10 acre parcels is nearly impossible. Small-scale farmers must be close to their markets and the resources in the community on which they depend. In order to see returns on an investment in the land and improvements to water, soil, and air quality, long-term access is essential.
To address this need, In Harmony Farm is collaborating with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) on a Small Farm Land Access Program for our growers once they graduate from In Harmony Farm. INHF would accept land donations from Iowa land owners, place appropriate conservation easements on the ground, implement beneficial conservation practices, and subsequently parcel out and make available the tillable ground through long-term leases to our graduate farmers.